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Monday, July 28, 2014

Law enforcer's prayer
Source: Internet
Lord God, you have created a marvellous world which is permeated by a wondrous sense of order. Yet human beings have a tendency to war against order. That is the reason why there are people like me who work at maintaining order in society. Help me to use my authority with understanding and restraint and without bias or anger. Let me remember that in carrying out my function I am sharing in your Divine Providence in the universe so that the people in this world can live in peace and grow in the knowledge and love of you, of your Son, and of Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to solve our problems. If you are not religious, you might not be interested in the spiritual side of things. But if you're religious, then a prayer can help make your faith stronger. You can pray for anything, and it's always good to have a prayer handy for when the time comes. So when you need some guidance or help, remember that there is always a prayer..


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