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Monday, February 23, 2015

Catholics are Idolaters and Statue Worshipers?

So many people accused catholics as idolaters and statue worshipers. Most of the time when people question me of my faith. I just keep quite thinking, why do I need to explain my faith to them? As we celebrate the lent season, I guess its about time that they be enlighten on catholic faith.

As for me, when I place the Holy Cross in my altar or hang it on my door or purchased a new statue of Mary, it's like a symbol of my being a catholic. It's like a ring I have to wear to let people know that I am married. The Holy Cross in my house is a symbol that I belong to Jesus. And nobody has the right to knock on my door and question me on my faith as if they are the only righteous people living on earth.


Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to solve our problems. If you are not religious, you might not be interested in the spiritual side of things. But if you're religious, then a prayer can help make your faith stronger. You can pray for anything, and it's always good to have a prayer handy for when the time comes. So when you need some guidance or help, remember that there is always a prayer..


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