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Friday, June 19, 2015

Eikon - Take A Moment (United Pursuit Cover)

Eikon - Take A Moment (United Pursuit Cover)

Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am
There You go lifting my load again

No longer am I held by
The yoke of this world
Come up under the yoke of Jesus
His yoke is easy and His burden is so light
His burden is so light

You're lifting my load
You're lifting my load

Your love carries
Your love carries me

Through all the valleys and the darkest places


Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to solve our problems. If you are not religious, you might not be interested in the spiritual side of things. But if you're religious, then a prayer can help make your faith stronger. You can pray for anything, and it's always good to have a prayer handy for when the time comes. So when you need some guidance or help, remember that there is always a prayer..


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