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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Miracle Prayer: A Short, Powerful Prayer for Your Problems

It can be easy to give up hope in our darkest moments. When life is at its worst, we may feel like there’s no way out of the situation and no good options. You may feel like you don’t have the power to make things better on your own. But the truth is, you do! Miracles happen every day when people pray for a little help. The power of prayer is undeniable, and it has a major impact on your mental and physical health. Studies show that even a few minutes of prayer each day can have an amazing impact on our lives. So next time you are feeling lost or stressed, try this short Miracle Prayer to get back on track:

Miracle prayer

How to pray the miracle prayer
Make a choice to put things in God’s hands. You are the creator of your circumstances and can choose to accept them or change them. In faith, ask God for what you need and choose to trust Him and His perfect plan. Focus on the positive. When we choose to take life as it comes, we experience joy. Find ways to appreciate the positives in your life: good health, family, friends, a warm bed, food to eat, and so much more. Focus on the positive, and it’s much easier to find the beauty in life. Read books and watch TV that uplift and encourage you. This is a great way to escape the negativity of the world and focus on positive attributes. If you can’t escape the world, at least bring the world into your world. Remember that God is always with you, and he is already working in your life. Healing stories of people who have been prayed for Miracles don’t just happen in the world of religion or religion at all. There are miracles every day in our everyday lives. For some, they may come in the form of a stranger on the street who shares a healing experience or encounters with a person who brings them clarity on an issue. For others, it may be a spontaneous mood swing or a newfound passion for a hobby or a job. For those who are not skilled in speaking with strangers, our everyday miracles can often be hard to recognize. They often occur in times of quiet in our day-to-day life or in interactions with friends, family, coworkers, or even the random passerby at the bus stop. Here are some people’s stories that illustrate the everyday miracles people often experience and what they did to receive them. What are you waiting for? Say a quick prayer for a miracle prayer, and then start making miracles happen for yourself and the people in your life. The miracle prayer in action Lord, take my struggles and give me the power to find my way out of this valley. Grant me your strength and guidance. I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen. The words of a prayer that will help you start your day off right. Use this prayer as a way to start your day off right and feel renewed.


Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to solve our problems. If you are not religious, you might not be interested in the spiritual side of things. But if you're religious, then a prayer can help make your faith stronger. You can pray for anything, and it's always good to have a prayer handy for when the time comes. So when you need some guidance or help, remember that there is always a prayer..


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